Friday, November 9, 2012

Interviews: The Follow Up...

In the previous posts regarding query letters and the DFW Conference, young adult (YA) authors Victoria Scott and Lindsay Cummings shared with us a little of what they know in the corresponding topics. Some of you may have wanted to know more about them so, here is more on their interviews.

Please state your name, agent name, title of work(s), and publishing company.
  • Victoria Scott, agent- Laurie McLean, the Dante Walker trilogy through Entangled Teen and the Brimstone Bleed trilogy through Scholastic.
  • Lindsay Cummings, agent- Louise Fury, The Murder Complex 1 & 2 through Greenwillow Books/HarperCollins.
Was becoming an author your 'Plan A' career? How did you come into writing your YA novel?
  • Victoria- I worked in advertising for several years before becoming an author. It wasn't Plan A, but I knew it should have been as soon as I started writing.
  • Lindsay- My Plan A was to go to college for vocal studies! But when I graduated high school I got sick with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and wasn't able to go to college. I took up writing as a way to cope, and it ended up becoming a huge passion of mine. Not long after, it became a career!
What was the process like in finding a publishing company?

  • Victoria- My agent queried editors she thought would be interested in my book;  those editors requested to read the manuscript, and the one that wanted it...bought it!
  • Lindsay- Louise really did everything. She pitched my book to editors at big houses, small houses, all over. If an editor wanted to read it Louise sent a book in...and then we waited for an answer. It takes a lot of patience and a lot of forcing yourself to calm down.
Are there any personal anecdotes you would like to share about your experiences in getting your work(s) published to the writers/future authors that would visit this blog?
  • Victoria- Don't give up. And to read...a lot. Compare your work to published works and take the profession very seriously. And have fun!
  • Lindsay- Just keep going. You're going to have setbacks and rejections...I think everyone does at some point. But it will happen if you work hard and believe in yourself and your work!

Thank you very much ladies for giving us some insight into the life of a YA author.
For more on Victoria Scott and Lindsay Cummings visit their websites.


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