Friday, November 30, 2012

Writing, From My Experience by Jeffrey Harper...

It is always reassuring to know you are not the only one out there that is in the same position you're in. Guest blogger, Jeffrey Harper, has volunteered to share his experience as an aspiring writer below; and please, visit his blog About Ayn Rand to discover some insight into her life, her beliefs and ideals, and her novels.

Growing Up Can Be Hard

When I was a child I wanted to be a superhero. I had everything: the cape, the boots, and the underwear  over my pants to top it off. The only thing I was lacking was the super-power. I couldn’t move things with my mind, fly, or go invisible. As I got older I realized that my dream of being the next Superman or Flash (my personal favorites) would never come true. I didn’t like this realization so I decided to do something about it, and the way I did that was through my writing.

I decided that since I couldn’t develop super-powers and save the world I would create stories where people could, and through my stories I (or my characters) could do anything. If I wanted them to have the ability to run as fast as the speed of sound, then all I had to do was put it in words and it would come true.

Work, Work, Work

I have written one full length novel geared for teens, and a few short stories for a slightly older crowd. Writing is the easiest part of the whole process; all it takes is time and imagination. Getting published is a whole different thing.

I have read though my work several times, picking through it word by word, but it’s not enough. Questions continue to pop up in my head. Is it good enough? Will people like it? The fear of getting rejected, on something that I have put in so much time and effort to write, is what keeps me from step two: finding an editor and publisher. Where do you start?

I have decided to leave my novel shelved while I try to get my short stories out there. Competitions are a great way to start; most offer a cash prize and publication of the winning story. I have entered two of my short stories in the Writer’s Digest 13th Annual Contest and have my fingers crossed for positive results.

Counting the Days

Although I am a new writer and remain unpublished for now, I have high hopes for the future. I write because I love it and if I could get paid for the work I do, then all the better. For those that are writing and are worried of rejection, you are not alone. Everyone faces that at one point or another. You just cannot give up on something you love.

-Jeffrey Harper

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